Madison Online Registration & Courses

Welcome to Madison Online

Please read below for important registration details

You can contact Mrs. Julie Parkinson , the Madison Online Coordinator, at Madison High School, 2300 University Blvd, Rexburg phone 208-359-3305

Due to the fluidity of changing plans, we only register online classes one trimester at a time, instead of the entire school year.

3rd Trimester Online Registration for School Year


February 18-21 Tuesday- Friday

8:00 am – 3:00 pm

Trimester 3 Online courses will start March 10

Madison Online Registration Procedures:

  •        7, 8 & 9th grade students register at Madison Junior High.  Students need to meet with a Junior High counselor first and the counselor will help the student register for Online classes. 

  •       10, 11 & 12th grade students register at Madison High School in the Counseling Center. Students need to meet with their prospective counselor before registering for Madison Online courses to make sure they are taking required courses for graduation. 

  • Central students register with Mr. Pena at Central Alternative High School.

  •       All Online only students will meet with their prospective counselor before registering to make sure they are taking the required courses.  Students can do this at the time of Online registration. 

Madison Online Important Information:

  • If the student taking Madison Online classes has NOT started the course within 15 school days from the online start date, the student will be dropped from the course. Tri 3 drop date is March 31, 2025.

  • Madison Online courses can ONLY be added or dropped within 15 days of the current Trimester online start date, the last day to make changes is March 31 .   ** Changes after this date require counselor, online coordinator, and online principal approval on a case by case basis due to special, extenuating circumstances. 

  • A student can take a maximum of 7 total courses per trimester including both in person and Online.

  • Online only students must take at least 3 courses.  (unless otherwise approved)

  • For student athletes, SOME Madison ONLINE COURSES count towards NCAA eligibility. *See High School Counselor for more information and advising.

*** If a students is “Out of District,” they need to talk to Julie Parkinson @ MHS and get an "Open Enrolment" Application form and be approved BEFORE they can register. Each "Out of District" student must RE-APPLY each year even if they took Madison Online classes in previous years. (This form is also available at Madison School District Office, but will need to be returned to Mrs. Julie Parkinson @ MHS)

Those who live out of the Madison School District boundaries and are on an IEP, we are unable to provide online courses due to the lack of Special Ed staff available. That is a district policy.

Click on any of these links:

24-25 Online Teachers & Course Descriptions

23-24 Online Courses Offered

2023-2024 Madison Online General Info

2023-24 Madison Online Courses Offered

2023-24 Madison Online Course Offerings and Descriptions

7th Grade Course Requirements

8th Grade Course Requirements

9th Grade Course Requirements

Madison Online Graduation Requirements

Idaho High School Graduation Minimum Requirements

Online Learning Supply List

Online Teachers and Locations

New and cool information! The district has a powerpoint describing where to find the parent access code for Schoology in PowerSchool: They should go to the district website and then click on the PowerSchool button and choose parents.  

Then GUIDES is a button that links to a powerpoint that describes where to find the parent access code on PowerSchool. (or you can contact the Online Coordinator for the code.)