Some of our Bobcats competed at CSI in Twin Falls at the Welding Wars last week! Two of them placed and won a ton of great prizes 🎉😁 Porter Brown won 1st place in the weld simulation/live arc division. Damian Williams took second in the same category. They were competing against 140 welders. Great job boys!! 🐾 #wearemadison
almost 2 years ago, Macail Chavez
welding student getting award
welding student getting award
welding student getting award
welding student getting award
This is a reminder that Bus passes will be handed out to your kids @ Burton, South Fork, and Kennedy. If you have any questions, please contact the Transportation Department at (208) 359-3265
almost 2 years ago, Macail Chavez
Bus update flyer
We are excited to start Kindergarten registration! It is coming up soon so save the date (April 17th). You can go to and choose your school to see any further information. If you have any questions, you can call (208) 359-3300.
almost 2 years ago, Macail Chavez
K registration
Hi Everyone! Just a reminder that the Bobcat Fieldhouse will be closed to the public April 8-12 for Spring Break. Spread the word! Thanks!
almost 2 years ago, Bobcat Fieldhouse
Madison Presents is Monday the 20th @7pm! Each ticket sale gives $8 to students for their Fine Arts Fees, so come support our Bobcats and have a great night out listening to beautiful music featuring our students and BYU's Noteworthy!! Buy tickets at
almost 2 years ago, Macail Chavez
Madison presents flyer
Want to get certified in Mental Health First Aid for Adults? This course teaches participants how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use challenges in adults. This training gives participants the skills needed to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem or experiencing a mental health crisis (e.g. suicidal ideation). This course provides participants with a certificate upon completion and participants are certified as MHFA first responders for three years. The course will be held Tuesday, April 4 from 4:30 pm until 8:30 pm AND Wednesday, April 5 from 4:30 pm until 8:30 pm. This is a two-day course, and attendance is required all 8 hours to receive certification. Registration is required by signing up HERE: This month's course will be taught by Travis Schwab and Rick Croft.
almost 2 years ago, Valri Clark
Join us for this week's Education Series class, "Growing Your Garden: Creating an Environment to Support Your Child's Behavior" taught by Jaime Curtis on Wednesday, March 15 from 10 am until noon. Education Series is FREE to attendees and held at the Madison Education Center, 60 West Main in Rexburg. There is limited space in our FREE childcare so registration is required to attend. For a schedule of upcoming classes and to complete a registration form, visit our website:
almost 2 years ago, Valri Clark
Madison FFA competed in the following Leadership Competitions yesterday and represented very well!! Parliamentary Procedure-1st Agriculture Sales- 1st Extemporaneous Speaking 1st Employment Skills 1st Prepared Speech 2nd Creed Speaking 4th Parli Team- Suri Wilcox, Lauren Mickelsen, Sierra Mickelsen, Nick Roberts, Louis Becraft, Jonas Thompson Sales Team- Kierra Park, Tate Bloomfield, Carter Swenson, Cassie Zimmerman Employment Skills- Cooper Wolfe Prepared- Whitney Sellars Creed- Saywer Jenkins All these students worked very hard and we look forward to seeing them succeed at State in April!!
almost 2 years ago, Macail Chavez
Madison high ffa group awards
Madison high ffa group awards
Madison high ffa group awards
Madison high ffa group awards
Madison high ffa group awards
For the month of March, Madison Cares Family Group Connection will be presenting BLOCK Fest® BLOCK Fest® offers hands-on block play for families with young children to experience the importance of early math and science learning. This activity is FREE and designed for families with children 0 to Kindergarten entry. No shoes will be permitted on the block mats, so please make sure children have clean socks on. It will be held in the GYM at Madison Education Center at 60 W. Main Street (South Entrance with the stairs) on Tuesday, March 28th from 4:00 pm until 6:30 pm. Registration is encouraged for this activity, but not required. For more information, visit our website:
almost 2 years ago, Valri Clark
All athletic events for this week have been canceled. We will work to reschedule these events at a later date! #wearemadison
almost 2 years ago, Shayne Proctor
Join us for this week's Education Series class, "There Is No App to Replace Your Lap: Healthy Attachment through Early Literacy" taught by Renee Parkinson on Wednesday, March 8 from 10 am until noon. Education Series is FREE to attendees and held at the Madison Education Center, 60 West Main in Rexburg. There is limited space in our FREE childcare so registration is required to attend. For a schedule of upcoming classes and to complete a registration form, visit > Madison Cares > Register for a Class>Education Series
almost 2 years ago, Valri Clark
We are constantly amazed by the kindness of our Madison Bobcats. They saw a need and helped out! You are appreciated! #wearemadison
almost 2 years ago, Macail Chavez
Facebook post photo
2023 5A state Sportsmanship Trophy Madison High School Thanks for showing up Madison!!!! #wearemadison
almost 2 years ago, Macail Chavez
Great Students
Madison had a VICTORY over Eagle!!! Whoop whoop 🙌 48-45. Congrats Boys!! Our Bobcats are awesome and extremely dedicated! They have worked hard and it shows 🐾 #wearemadison #statetournament
almost 2 years ago, Macail Chavez
March is "Music in Our Schools Month" and what better way to celebrate than to support our students and get tickets for Madison Presents on March 20th? $8 of the $10 ticket goes directly to students for their Fine Arts fees! We are so excited to be able to bring in Noteworthy (BYU Female Accapella Group) to work with the students and create a beautiful show! Buy Tickets at See you there!!
almost 2 years ago, Macail Chavez
Madison Presents Flyers
Boys Basketball is headed to the State Tournament! Proud of these kids!!! Game tomorrow at 5:00 VS. Eagle!!! @ the Ford Idaho Center Games will be broadcast on NFHS Network #wearemadison #basketball #statetournament
almost 2 years ago, Shayne Proctor
Boys Basketball
Madison Presents is coming up on MARCH 20th @7pm!! This event has been a wonderful fundraising opportunity & experience for our Fine Arts kids. We are excited to bring in Noteworthy (BYU's Female Acapella group) this year! Purchase your tickets at .
almost 2 years ago, Macail Chavez
madison presents
mhs band
mhs band
Join us for this week's Education Series class, "Finding the Inner Artist: Self-Care through Watercolor Painting" taught by Kathryn Lazenby on Wednesday, March 1 from 10 am until noon. Education Series is FREE to attendees and held at the Madison Education Center, 60 West Main in Rexburg. There is limited space in our FREE childcare so registration is required to attend. For a schedule of upcoming classes and to complete a registration form, visit > Madison Cares > Register for a Class>Education Series
almost 2 years ago, Valri Clark
Today at the High School for HOPE WEEK they set up fun activities to do during lunch! Great job Hope Squad for bringing students and friends together! Let's continue making this world a better place by being that positive light to the world and bring others hope and support throughout the year! #wearemadison #hopesquad #hopeweek
almost 2 years ago, Macail Chavez
Hope Squad MHS
Hope Squad MHS
Hope Squad MHS
Hope Squad MHS
Hope Squad MHS
Hope Squad MHS
Both 7th and 8th grade boys basketball teams won last night making both teams District Champions! Congratulations Bobcats!! 🐾 🙌
almost 2 years ago, Macail Chavez
 7th grade basket ball photo
8th grade basketball photo