Charli Cook signing her letter of intent to continue her basketball career and education at College of Southern Idaho. Congrats
about 2 years ago, Shayne Proctor
Charli Cook
Charli Cook
A HUGE Thank you to LOST TRIBE DANCE CREW! They helped spread kindness during one of their classes by having breaking into small groups and having each of them interview each other in an effort to know them better! Well done Secret Agents and thank you Lost Tribe for helping to spread kindness in the community! When was the last time you did an act of kindness?! Request a Kindness Mission today.: #wearemadison #randomactsofkindness #spreadkindness #startwithhello
about 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
“I love being here with the kids and I really missed being here when I was gone for maternity leave. I really love my son but I also love my job so much! It’s the kids for me! This is the best district ever!” Mrs. Wilcox is an English teacher at Madison High. She is an outstanding teacher who truly cares for her students and is constantly pushing them to be the best they can be. #wearemadison #peopleofmadison
about 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
Mrs. Wilcox
Mrs. Stears class was able to complete their kindness mission by heart-attacking TWO other classrooms out at Burton school. Way to SPREAD KINDNESS secret agents! When was the last time you did an act of kindness?! Request a Kindness Mission today.: #wearemadison #randomactsofkindness #spreadkindness #startwithhello
about 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
Hi Everyone! Just a reminder that the Bobcat Fieldhouse will be closed Dec. 22- Jan. 2 for Christmas Break! Merry Christmas everyone!
about 2 years ago, Bobcat Fieldhouse
Vickie Bolingbroke has been working as the Advanced Opportunities Coordinator at Madison High School for six years. She loves that she is able to work with students on a daily basis. We are so thankful for all that Vickie does! #wearemadison #peopleofmadison
about 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
Vickie Bolingbroke
Kinley Kerbs signing her Letter of Intent to continue her academic and athletic career at Snow College.
about 2 years ago, Shayne Proctor
Kinley Kerbs
Kinley Kerbs
Mrs. Perrys 3rd Grade Class completed and exceeded their Top Secret Kindness Mission! They spent a while making Thank You cards for people who don't often hear thank you! They surely brightened some days! Well done Secret Agent! When was the last time you did an act of kindness?! Request a Kindness Mission today.: #wearemadison #randomactsofkindness #spreadkindness #startwithhello
about 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
Baseball Camp
about 2 years ago, Shayne Proctor
Baseball Camp
Mr. Daley is a teacher at the Middle School. He teaches both English and an Intro to Business class. “This is the best job in the world. It has been my favorite place to work ever. I work with the best people and for the best people. It’s just been great!” We love Mr. Daley and are so glad that he, too, loves his job! #wearemadison #peopleofmadison
over 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
Mr. Daley
Holiday spirit is spreading in different forms throughout our schools! Check out the amazing job that was done decorating the Resource Room at MJHS! If you find yourself at MJHS, you better get on over there and take an #elfie!
over 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
Our floral program at MHS has been busy making some festive wreaths for the Holidays! They have 10” wreaths that are decorated and the cost $20. To order, you just need to email me ( **The funds will be used to support the floral program at MHS. #wearemadison
over 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
These students did a TOP NOTCH JOB in completing their Kindness Mission. They wrote Thank You notes to people in their lives! WELL DONE AGENTS OF KINDNESS! When was the last time you did an act of kindness?! Request a Kindness Mission today.: #wearemadison #randomactsofkindness #spreadkindness
over 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
Dear Parents, The holiday season is here, and as colder weather has settled in, questions often arise as to when we enact school closures. Here are the Madison 321 general guidelines: 1-Are the weather conditions too dangerous for students and staff to travel? The safety of our students and staff members is the primary consideration when deciding whether or not to close schools. Because winter weather is unpredictable, the district administrative team is up very early on potentially harmful or extremely cold weather mornings to determine if children are safe to attend schools. In addition to personally driving on town and county roads, we also confer and consult with the county road supervisor, city police / Highway Patrol, and surrounding school district transportation supervisors to assess overall road conditions. If the roads are deemed unsafe, we close school. 2- Is the temperature 20 degrees below Fahrenheit? We take temperature readings from three different areas in the county: Madison Middle School, Burton Elementary, and South Fork Elementary, and then average the temperature findings. The 20 below Fahrenheit mark was established because that is the temperature when it is dangerous to be outdoors. In addition, it is the temperature when diesel fuel begins to gel which creates great difficulty in starting and operating school buses. Though 20 below is the established mark for school closure, it is not a hard and fast rule, and school closures based on low temperatures often become a subjective decision. In addition, the wind chill is generally not factored into the low temperature decision. Regardless of the district decision, please remember, as parents, that ultimately the responsibility rests with you whether or not to permit your child to attend school. Following a decision to close school, a call is first made to the Board of Trustees Chair, the Principals, district supervisors, and then a swift reach is sent home to parents and guardians. We also post notices on our social media sites to get the word out to all parents, staff, and students as soon as possible. * Clothing note: Throughout the cold winter months, please dress your children appropriately. Layered clothing, head coverings such as hats, caps, earmuffs, plus gloves, and proper footwear are essential.
over 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
Mrs. Davidson, a second grade teacher at Adams Elementary, says that the thing she loves most about being a teacher is “seeing kids grow.” #wearemadison #peopleofmadison
over 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
Jenny Davidson
Bobcat Nation- HELP A LOCAL FAMILY HAVE A CHRISTMAS! The Madison Secret Santa needs YOUR help! We have more families needing help, then the help we have lined up so far. Sign up to adopt a family, pull a virtual giving tree ornament or make a cash/venmo (@wearemadison) donation. Anything helps! Feel free to call 208-359-1256 or e-mail with any questions. THANK YOU! Sign Up Here:
over 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
secret santa
The Bobcat Fieldhouse will re-open tomorrow, December 1st. Normal public hours will resume mornings and evenings. Thanks!
over 2 years ago, Bobcat Fieldhouse
This Secret Agent NAILED this mission of kindness attacking someones door When was the last time you did an act of kindness?! Request a Kindness Mission today.: #wearemadison #randomactsofkindness #spreadkindness
over 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
Link for this weekends Boys basketball games in Utah
over 2 years ago, Shayne Proctor
Join us for this week's Education Series class, "Parenting with New Eyes: How Changing Sight is Better than any Parenting Tip" taught by Tim Rarick, Ph.D. on Wednesday, November 30 from 10 am until noon. Education Series is FREE to attendees and held at the Madison Education Center, 60 West Main in Rexburg. There is limited space in our FREE childcare so registration is required to attend. For a schedule of upcoming classes and to complete a registration form, visit > Madison Cares > Register for a Class>Education Series
over 2 years ago, Valri Clark