Hi Everyone!
Just a reminder that the Bobcat Fieldhouse will be closed November 22-26 for Thanksgiving Break and November 28-December 3 for maintenance. Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving and we'll see you soon!

Tracie Cloward is one of our amazing third grade teachers at Lincoln Elementary. She loves working with her students and being able to play a role in their lives. “I love the students' enthusiasm and that they still love school in 3rd grade. They are always so excited to learn. Third grade is great!”
#wearemadison #peopleofmadison

Madison Food Services
FRIDAY 10:30 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.
290 NORTH 1ST EAST • 208.359.3260 • MSD321.COM

Hi Everyone!
We regret to inform you that we need to shut the Bobcat Fieldhouse down from November 28-December 3rd because they are installing exhaust fans in the facility. Please spread the word. Thanks!

Another Kindness Mission complete! Well done Secret Agent!
When was the last time you did an act of kindness?!
Request a Kindness Mission today.: https://forms.gle/ENWwQ1L1rabfh9tt5
#wearemadison #randomactsofkindness #spreadkindness

Join us for this week's Education Series class, "Protecting Our Children: Providing Safe Home Environments" taught by Brenna Howard, Madison Cares Intern on Wednesday, November 16 from 10 am until noon. Education Series is FREE to attendees and held at the Madison Education Center, 60 West Main in Rexburg. There is limited space in our FREE childcare so registration is required to attend. For a schedule of upcoming classes and to complete a registration form, visit msd321.com > Madison Cares > Register for a Class>Education Series

Mrs. Christensen is a third grade teacher at Burton Elementary. She has a love for her students and the people that she works with! “I like it when the kids come over and say hi to me everyday, it brightens my day. I also really enjoy the people I work with. We have a great, supportive principal who supports us in every avenue and who also remembers us on holidays and things like that. They are very kind and supportive.” #wearemadison #peopleofmadison

Reminder that the Bobcat Fieldhouse will be closed November 22-26 for Thanksgiving Break! Looking ahead to December, the fieldhouse will be closed December 22nd-January 2nd for Christmas Break. Thanks!

Ashton McArthur signing his Letter of Intent to continue his golf and education at Utah State University.
Congrats Ashton

Throughout the last week, the Hope Squad at MJHS did a series of activities, including a kindness raffle, a pumpkin decorating contest, and a Halloween art contest. Wednesday was classroom candy bombing. Thursday was a Hope Squad/Teacher flash mob. And Friday's event included a student pie eating contest in which the winners pied the losers, mostly their principal, Mr. Carlson shown in the picture.
Lots of good times mixed with loads of learning! It's a GREAT day to be a Bobcat!

Mrs Powell's 5th grade class completed a Kindness Mission for part of the Start With Hello Campaign. Their mission....Stand on the side of the road and hold motivational posters/signs.
Well done!
#wearemadison #kindnessmission #randomactsofkindness #spreadkindness

Parents and Students: MHS ClassChoice will be closing this Friday, November 11th at 2:00 p.m. Please make sure you have made all changes to your schedule prior to this time. There will be NO SCHEDULE CHANGES once ClassChoice closes. If you need any help before this window closes, please reach out to the counselors.

Madison Cares Early Childhood Group Connection will be Grab N' Go for NOVEMBER! These activities are free and designed for families with children 0 to Kindergarten entry. We invite you to register today and then stop by the Madison Education Center (60 W. Main) on Wednesday, November 16th between 11:00 am and 6:00 pm (yes, pick-up will be all day) to pick up your Grab N' Go activity pack!
These fun Thanksgiving-themed activities that combine all of the best parts of Thanksgiving time. Please spend time this month using these activities to cultivate gratitude and togetherness in your families while having lots of fun! This month's bag will also include a Veteran's day activity. We ask that you do that activity with your children as soon as possible and try to get the finished Veteran's Day Card back to Madison Cares by Friday November 18th or as soon as possible. The cards and letters sent to Veterans from Madison Cares make a significant impact in their lives and we would love your children to be a part of that magic!
The activities in this month's bag are: Rolling for Turkeys, Play Dough Turkeys, Pin the Feather on the Turkey, Shake Your Tail Feathers, Thankful Trees, Fireworks for Veterans, & Name that Turkey.
Registration is required. Grab N' Go activity packs are limited. To register visit our website: https://www.msd321.com/o/msd321/page/group-connection

Know a Veteran that you would love to receive a care package this holiday season?!
Give us their info by clicking the link below. Please ensure that you fill it out exactly as it should appear on the package!

Join us for this week's Education Series class, "Bend Don't Break: Developing Personal and Familial Resilience" taught by Renee Parkinson on Wednesday, November 9 from 10 am until noon. Education Series is FREE to attendees and held at the Madison Education Center, 60 West Main in Rexburg. There is limited space in our FREE childcare so registration is required to attend. For a schedule of upcoming classes and to complete a registration form, visit msd321.com > Madison Cares > Register for a Class>Education Series

Congratulations to the Environmental and Natural Resources team for competing at Nationals this past week and for receiving a silver award!
Tate Bloomfield Gold
Diego Rodriquez Silver
Carter Swenson Silver
Cooper Wolfe Silver
As a team- Silver and 14th in the NATION!!
While they were there they were able to visit the Indianapolis Zoo and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

Dave Keck has been the director of Madison's Food Service program for 17 years! He deals with everything in food service. “I deal with employment, making sure there is food on the table for the kids, I make sure that free and reduced applications are taken care of, and a thousand different things.” Dave said that the thing he loves most about his job is that they get to take care of the kids. #wearemadison #peopleofmadison

Our MHS Fish and Wildlife, Advanced Floral and Environmental Solutions classes planted 540+ trees today that were grown here, in our MHS greenhouses.
These classes planted the trees as part of a restoration project lead by the Henrys Fork Foundation. The new home of these Bobcat trees is Third Creek in Swan Valley.

Join the Madison Middle School dance club and learn from the MHS dance team and their coach! Practices will begin Nov 8 at 4:00pm. E-mail madisondanceteams@gmail.com with questions

HELLO Bobcat Nation
As part of Start With Hello week, we challenge YOU to perform a random act of kindness before the weekend!
Having trouble thinking of one? No worries! Request a Top Secret Kindness Mission and be assigned one by our Kindness Agents. You can request as an individual, family, group, class, club, team or business and it will be e-mailed to you!
Take the challenge and help us spread the ripple of kindness in our community!
Request Secret Mission Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfHmDt-zAk38UZJ8WJqlw5V7lJtV-LHzYHhv4tY6WmLs7V7og/viewform