Rock The Town- Adventure is calling.... With every adventure, comes some mini adventures! Starting RIGHT NOW, there are 75 CELEBRATE YOU rocks hidden around town! Go looking for them or try your luck and just keep an eye out. If found, bring to the Madison Education Center (60 west main) Mon-Fri 8-4 or to the Discover Trailhead during CELEBRATE YOU, August 16th 2-7pm to redeem for a custom Adventure is Calling t-shirt! Rocks need to redeemed before August 31! Read more about Celebrate You on our website under news : #wearemadison #celebrateyou #adventureiscalling GOOD LUCK!
over 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
rock the town
Don't forget to PRE REGISTER FOR ALL MADISON STUDENTS! #wearemadison Find this info and more, HERE!
over 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
back to school
A true sign of back-to-school....FALL ACTIVITIES! The freshman football team is training hard to bring that Bobcat heat this season! #wearemadison
over 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
freshman football team
The Bobcat Fieldhouse will re-open September 6, 2022. Hours: Monday-Friday 5:00-8:00 am & 7:00-10:00 pm Saturdays 6:00 am -12:00 noon Beginning September 6th, there will be a $5 fee for non-Madison County residents. You must show a Madison County driver's license or another form of Madison County ID to use the facility for free. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Bobcat Fieldhouse
The 'footprint' of our brand new Hibbard Elementary is visible and we couldn't be more excited! Where are our hibbard families at?!? #wearemadison
over 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
hibbard build site
Tryouts for the Madison Junior High 7th & 8th grade cross-country team are Monday, August 15, 6:30-7:45AM at the junior high. Students should come dressed ready to run. A detailed explanation of tryouts can be found on the team’s web page
over 2 years ago, Madison Jr. High
In a regularly scheduled June 16th board meeting, the Madison 321 Board of Trustees unanimously voted to seek renewal of the two-year, $ 1.995 million dollar a year operational levy. The election to renew this levy will be facilitated by Madison County and is set for Tuesday, August 30, 2022. The levy will focus monies on certain, specific areas that reflect continuous district needs: - Restoring Two (2) Paid Teaching / Contact days, salaries, and benefits: $250,000 - Security, Technology, Renovations & Maintenance: $1.295 - Madison Cares Mental Health Programs: $450,000 *TOTAL- $1,995,000 (each year) *Same amount since 2012 For additional levy questions, contact a building administrator or the district office. At (208) 359-3300
over 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
Welcome Back to School! Never miss the bus again!! Access your own secure data for your child’s bus stop location, pickup time, drop-off time, and their weekly transportation schedule. Download the app TODAY!!
over 2 years ago, Shawna Warner
Madison School District
Pre-Registration is now open! There were technical difficulties this morning with the PowerSchool server, but, everything should be up and running now! We ask that this be completed by every parent/guardian with children enrolled in the Madison School District. Visit and click pre-registration to begin this process. You will need a snapcode in order to do this. Your snapcode should be in your inbox (sent last week) in an email from If you need a snapcode, please contact your school or email For K-12 returning student information and class choice information, CLICK HERE.
over 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
pre register
over 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
back to school
school supplies
registration k-6
registration 7-12
JOIN THE MADISON FAMILY! Various opportunities available. To see full list and to apply, visit our website and click 'EMPLOYMENT' It's a great day to be a Bobcat! #wearemadison #unitEDidaho
over 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
It is time to rally and help one of our fellow students and his family! Milo Baker is being treated for Guillain-Barre Syndrome and has lost his mobility and verbal communication. In an effort to support him and his family, a fundraiser has been put together, Miles for Milo 5K Run and Walk!! Please join us on supporting Milo and his family!! Use the QR code or visit to register! Please share, share, share! #wearemadison #unitEDidaho
over 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
Miles for Milo
JOIN THE MADISON FAMILY! Various opportunities available. To see full list and to apply, click here: It's a great day to be a Bobcat! #wearemadison #unitEDidaho
over 2 years ago, Jessica Goudy
great day to be a bobcat