Director of Special Services
and Federal Programs
208-359-3315 Ext 3621
Response to Intervention (RTI)
Response to Intervention (RTI) is a framework designed to guide schools in the early identification of learning and behavioral problems so that educators can intervene with specialized instruction and interventions designed to improve academic achievement and behavioral outcomes. Parents play a key role in the RTI process, which works more effectively when parents, teachers, other school personnel, and the student work collaboratively towards positive solutions aimed at helping the student succeed.
According to the Center on Response to Intervention at the American Institutes for Research (, the essential components of a research-based framework for RTI are as follows:
· Multi-tiered prevention and instruction systems using evidence-based instructional practices, strategies, and interventions
· Universal screening
· Data-based decision making
· Progress monitoring
The four components provide a research-based framework for delivering high-quality instruction and interventions customized to individual student needs. Rigorous research shows that implementing the four essential RTI components with fidelity is an effective strategy to improve schools and increase student learning. While the four RTI components provide built-in structure and consistency, it remains flexible and adaptable in its implementation, based on individual school needs, resources, and capacity.
RTI has been around for many years, especially gaining traction after being codified into federal law in 2004. Since that time RTI has earned a major presence in discussions about educational reform. The Idaho State Department of Education has been working closely with a select number of school districts within the state of Idaho to support implementation of RTI since 2012, with the eventual goal of statewide adoption.
At the local level, Madison School District is proactively working to implement the components of RTI within the district and the individual schools. To help all involved or interested in learning more about RTI, the following links are just a few helpful resources for your review.