Director of Special Services
and Federal Programs
208-359-3315 Ext 3621
Title I-A Economically Disadvantaged
• Intended to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments. Title I-A targets these resources to the district and schools where the needs are greatest.
• Title I-A provisions provide a mechanism for MSD of accountability for closing the achievement gaps and improving the academic achievement of ALL students.
• All the elementary schools and the middle school qualify as Title I schools based on free & reduced lunch counts and receive a Title I allocation for student education.
• Parental Involvement is a key component and MSD offers various means for parents to participate in student achievement. Parent surveys and needs assessments as well as parent trainings at the school level are offered year-round.
• Professional Development provides on-going quality research-based teacher and staff development. Professional Development is offered throughout the year at the site and district level.

Landon LeFevre

Kathy Hanosky
Administrative Assistant
208-359-3315 Ext 3620

Loretta Cameron
Administrative Assistant
208-359-3315 Ext 3631